How to Setup WordPress on Cloud easily?

4 min readJun 15, 2021

Nowadays, Cloud providers play a major role in hosting even though they have got many disadvantages like vulnerable to security issues, limited resource availability, sluggishness etc,.

DigitalOcean, Linode, AWS, Vultr, UpCloud etc, are the famous cloud providers and you can host WordPress on your own cloud server with just an initial payment of $5 with them.

In this tutorial, I am going to illustrate each step on how easily you can setup your WordPress on Cloud without much expertise or knowledge in this area.

As an example I am using DigitalOcean for the tutorial and Cloudstick as the server deployment and management tool for the easy setup:

  1. Create an account with then create a server(Droplet)
  1. Select the Operating system Ubuntu 16.04/18.04/20.04 LTS. Then Select the server size as per your requirement, if you have a small website and not having high traffic, I recommend you to go with $5 plan and you can upgrade this server later when you get high traffic to the next level.

3.Enter the root password of the server.

4.Finally, enter the server Hostname to identify your server, then click on Create.

  1. Now it is time to go to CloudStick website then create an account —

6.Once you created an account, login into the control panel and click on Connect server.

7.Select DigitalOcean >> Then enter your server IP address and root password to start the installation.

8. The installation might take up to 5 minutes to finish and click on the server name once installation finish >> then click on Accounts in the right hand side menu.

9.Click on One click WordPress then enter the email address where you would like to receive your SFTP login details, application name to identify the website, select the webstack as apache + nginx or Native Nginx, enter your domain name and username for the WordPress login, then click on the add web application button. Now the WordPress installation has been done.


Now, let us install SSL certificate to make the website secure. Click on the web application, then click on the left side menu, SSL TLS.


  1. Now, select the domain web application name >> Choose Lets encrypt >> Click on Authorization method then select HTTP verification, then click on Deploy SSL.

Now open your URL where you installed WordPress and you are done!

